Evgeny Frolov
Evgeny Frolov
Source code to support ACM RecSys'16 paper "Fifty Shades of Ratings: How to Benefit from a Negative Feedback in Top-N Recommendations Tasks"
Accompanying code for the paper Performance of Hyperbolic Geometry Models on Top-N Recommendation Tasks, accepted at ACM RecSys 2020.
Python progress bar with rich output that uses native ipython functionality. Widget-free. Works even in JupyterLab.
Recommender system and evaluation framework for top-n recommendations tasks that respects polarity of feedbacks. Fast, flexible and easy to use. Written in python, boosted by scientific python stack.
Accompanying code for reproducing experiments from the HybridSVD paper. Preprint is available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.06398.
Tensor-based recommender system that incorporates categorical contextual information into collaborative filtering workflow.