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Tools and libraries to create types for Rust, Kotlin, TypeScript and Python from JSON samples

Results 8 json_typegen issues
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When reading sample from file using the procedural macro (e.g. `json_typegen!("Point", "point.json")`), if the sample file changes the compiler will not be aware that anything relevant has changed and so...

Just add a minimal Gradle project to the CI folder, use the CLI to generate a Kotlin file that is written to that folder and run `./gradlew test` testing roundtripping...

For JSON Schema, `null` and an optional field / `undefined` is not the same, so the currently generated schemas fail for JSON where explicit nulls are used instead of omitting...

E.g. ``` { "/hits/hits/-/_source": { "type_parameter": "T" } } ``` or ``` { "/hits/hits/-/_source": { "use_type": "type_parameter" } } ``` For `typescript/typealias` this is already possible with just adding ``...

Currently tuples are only used when all source arrays have the same length and combining the shapes of the array would lose type information. E.g. you can end up with...

I've been using `json_typegen_wasm` and it's great! Noticed the npm package is a bit behind the repo. Any chance we could get a new release? It'd be awesome to have...

Hi! Similar to #21 when using this library to generate TS types, it's often useful to make a distinction between `nullable` and `optional` fields. I'm looking for feedback on this...

The exact same code can be run in git bash, but an error will be reported in batch: `json_typegen config/global_config.json -o code_template/rust/global_config.rs -n GlobalConfig --options "{ derives: 'Default, Debug, Clone,...