Éverton Roberto Auler
Éverton Roberto Auler
Hey guys, I Had the same issue and struggle a lot to find a way to make it work, from inside the Docker container, unfortunatly I couldn't pass this error....
Thanks men, unfortunatly passing those volumes `-v /sys:/sys -v /dev:/dev` didn't fixed the `group 22: memory listener initialization failed` issue for me, I'm using Fedora, it could be something related...
I'm also interested to help with this project, this is a promising project, I'm really wanting to replace my current state management tool that is @ngxs/store to use this project...
https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-hvefbv src/app/books.state.ts ```ts export class BooksState { @Resolve('Query.books') books() { return interval(1000) .pipe(map(i => [{ id: i + 1, title: 'Harry Potter', __typename: 'Book' }])) .pipe(first()) .pipe(tap(i => console.log(i))) .pipe(shareReplay(1));...
I'm using the Firebase Firestore database, reading more about the apollo client architecture, I came across the apollo link documentation, I believe this can be an alternative for me, do...
This application is an Express.js app, you could deploy it following any Node.js Deployment Guide. You can use: AWS, Heroku, Firebase with Firebase Cloud Functions, or any other hosting service...
I believe it would be nicer if the API was like this, and it would solve the problem with Critical dependency. import('./home')} ssr={() => require('./home')} />