Scenario 1 and 2 are Fixed in 1.8.0. For 3 and 4 it's necessary to create separate feature requests. For scenario 5 the brackets are optional.
> Could you provide some mol-file to highlight the issue?
Could you attach the corresponding mol-file?
The issue is taken for investigation.
Use "indigoLoadMoleculeFromString(String str)" and "Pointer indigoJson(int object);"
Please check IndigoObject loadMolecule(String str)
could you try to add "base64::" before your encoded string? Like: base64::VmpDRDAxMDAEAwIBA.............etc
"but it will omit arrow symbol if decoding a cdx base64 reaction" - I am working on it. Will be fixed soon.
We'll fix the issue in the future Indigo versions
We'll fix the issue in the future Indigo versions