Evelyn Torres

Results 11 issues of Evelyn Torres

**Sharing The Story of Innovation** https://digital.gov//2016/09/08/sharing-the-story-of-innovation/ --- all the links before and just the one right after('sparking, seeding and spreading ideas that both transform and improve services for Veterans'-https://www.innovation.va.gov/innovatorsnetwork/assets/files/SPARKSEEDSPREADFACTSHEET.pdf), the...

Bug: Content Cleanup
Bug: broken links
help wanted

All 5 image links are broken and the paragraph after the 5th image is all in bold font (I dont think that it is supposed to be). **Title** — **Designing...

Content: Images
Bug: Content Cleanup
Bug: broken links
help wanted

Several words, physical, everyone, everything, very, and them are bold and i'm not sure that they need to be unless they are supposed to be links to other web pages??...

Bug: Content Cleanup
help wanted

Not sure the words Product and product need to be bold in the sentence: Product management is different from project management., from the second paragraph. **Title** — **Government Product Managers...

Bug: Content Cleanup
help wanted

the link named 'user story' takes you to a website called Rally https://techdocs.broadcom.com/content/broadcom/techdocs/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/agile-development-and-management/rally-platform-ca-agile-central/rally.html . Not sure if that is where the 'user story' is really reflected on the Rally website...

Bug: Content Cleanup
Bug: broken links
help wanted

link for "Meaningful Design" goes to a 404 error: https://material.io/design/animation/meaningful-transitions.html **Title** — **Three Teams Using the Draft U.S. Web Design Standards Talk about Their Experiences** **Demo URL** — https://demo.digital.gov//2016/04/06/three-teams-using-the-draft-u-s-web-design-standards-talk-about-their-experiences/ **Live...

Bug: Content Cleanup
Bug: broken links
help wanted

link goes to a blank page - City of Surrey Style Guide; http://responsiveprocess.com/surrey/guide/writing/web-guide-checklist/ **Title** — **The USAGov Bilingual Style Guide Is Now Online!** **Demo URL** — https://demo.digital.gov//2016/04/14/the-usagov-bilingual-style-guide-is-now-online/ **Live URL** —...

Bug: Content Cleanup
Bug: broken links
help wanted

these 3 links go to 404 errors, overtime rules-https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/response/update-your-petition-overtime-rule, STEM OPT regulation-https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/propose-proper-regulation-extending-stem-opt-022016-avoid-expected-shock-both-firms-and-students, and Syrian refugee crisis-https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/authorize-and-resettle-syrian-refugees-us. **Title** — **Redesigning We the People** **Demo URL** — https://demo.digital.gov//2016/05/02/redesigning-we-the-people/ **Live URL** — https://digital.gov//2016/05/02/redesigning-we-the-people/...

Bug: Content Cleanup
Bug: broken links
help wanted

Image link broken: The old Kids.gov logo **Title** — **Kids.Gov Reenvisioned** **Demo URL** — https://demo.digital.gov//2016/05/23/kids-gov-reenvisioned/ **Live URL** — https://digital.gov//2016/05/23/kids-gov-reenvisioned/ ---

Content: Images
Bug: Content Cleanup
Bug: broken links
help wanted

**Welcome to the New DHS.gov** https://digital.gov//2016/06/09/welcome-to-the-new-dhs-gov/ --- Image above sentence, "A collage of the new DHS website on different devices; dekstop, tablet, and mobile phone.", is broken

Content: Images
Bug: Content Cleanup
help wanted