Eva Short
Eva Short
In order of importance: Triad in first inversion, Triad in second inversion, Seventh chord in first inversion, Seventh chord in second inversion
Allow users to type pipe characters that function as barlines. When a line of text contains no barlines, the *default division* is two chords per bar, with the last chord...
Go to http://evanshort.name/chords/#text=key%3A+Ab%0Alowest%3A+4%0AAb+Bbm+Cm+Db+Eb+Fm+Go%0A type anything in the textbox, then middle click the refresh button
I'm using Firefox 56.0.1 (64-bit) and Chrome 62.0.3202.62 (64-bit) on Windows 10. In pure JavaScript, when I call `setTimeout(changeStuff, 0)` inside my `requestAnimationFrame` callback, `changeStuff` will often not be run...
SSCCE: ``` module Main exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, text) import Regex view : Html Never view = text -- first submatch should be Just "" instead...