Evan Xie
Evan Xie
Firstly, I'd say sorry to ask question here. I read the **Timeline.swift** file, there is a private **Node** class in it. But I didn't see anywhere outside invoking it. So,...
matrix 版本:使用 **feature/ios-matrix-cocopods-1.0.1** 分支。 我在Mac app 中集成 Matrix, 结果发现鼠标拖拽不松手时,也被认为是卡顿。而且会报多次。我需要怎样才能过滤这种情况呢? 配置代码如下: `[MatrixAdapter sharedInstance].delegate = self; MatrixBuilder *curBuilder = [[MatrixBuilder alloc] init]; curBuilder.pluginListener = self; WCCrashBlockMonitorConfig *cbConfig = [WCCrashBlockMonitorConfig defaultConfiguration]; cbConfig.enableCrash =...
请问下大佬们,有 windows 版本的 Matrix 吗?
Update to Swift 5.0
The memory always increase in the custom state of demo project, when you enter and exit again and again.
I'm very glad to find such wonderful log open source. But I have some questions about the **FileLogRecorder**. As the document said, it support asynchronous and synchronous Mode, but I...