$H X ALARM:9 GrblHAL 1.1f ['$' or '$HELP' for help] [MSG:'$H'|'$X' to unlock] [VER:1.1f.20220325:] [OPT:VNMHSL,35,1024,3,0] [NEWOPT:ENUMS,RT+,HOME,ES,TC,SED] [FIRMWARE:grblHAL] [NVS STORAGE:*FLASH] [DRIVER:iMXRT1062] [DRIVER VERSION:220325] [DRIVER OPTIONS:USB.2] [BOARD:T41U5XBB] [AUX IO:4,3,0,0] [PLUGIN:MODBUS v0.12] [PLUGIN:HUANYANG...
> > Is it normal for it to perform a reset? > > No, which sender are you using? Can you try with a terminal such as putty? ioSender. Interesting,...

@terjeio Do you want me to move this over to the ioSender repo?
> Attached. [grbl.txt](https://github.com/grblHAL/core/files/8829435/grbl.txt)
> I have tested with your settings (and my simulator) and I do not get alarm 9 and homing completes as it should. Is homing for Y and Z also...
Also tested with UGS as the sender, same issue.
Not sure if its related, but certainly doesn't seem right. Performing a move through iosender or UGS like G1 X200 F500 might stop a few times during the move for...
Ok, looks like the spindle/modbus enables were causing the issue. Commenting them out in my_machine.h and reflashing results in successful homing and moves. Looking at: https://github.com/grblHAL/iMXRT1062/issues/15 I then removed the...
Spoke too soon. Having random stalls still, which appear to be effecting (causing?) the homing alarm. I've noticed that the tx/rx lights on the ttl rs485 adapter stop blinking while...