Evans Wanyoike
Evans Wanyoike
Unrelated but how did you add this package to your app. Can you share your pubspec.yaml facing errors when trying to build.
Managed to get it working with some plugin but now all opened files show "file not found" in chinese after opening any file. Did you also face that issue
Many builds from scratch even after uninstalling the app from my phone
> You have to rebuild the app agin. Can you share a screenshot of the working app
This package and also grouped_list when used in a column or listview messes up page navigation of the whole app. On tap to navigate to a o page is delayed...
` context.loaderOverlay.show(); await Future.delayed( const Duration(seconds: 3)); context.loaderOverlay.hide(); Navigator.pushNamed( context, RouteNames.results); return;` When you show, then hide overlay then push to another page, pop the page, the overlay will not...