
Results 8 comments of evanreichard

I'm using this to disable all auto scroll bars on the whole page. Im sure you could combine this with some JS to find nearest element so it would only...

Thanks @inglemr Inevitably I needed the following: ### postgresql.conf ``` listen_addresses = '*' ``` ### pg_hba.conf ``` local all all trust host all all md5 host all all

@Nepoxx hacky, not sure if theres a better way, but I edit the StatefulSet container definition with: ``` command: ["sleep"] args: ["infinity"] ``` Then do my changes, then remove the...

Sure. In the container the working dir is `/usr/src/app`. Inside that dir is an `upload` folder which is mounted as an NFS share. If I try to create a link...

Can confirm that this still is an issue on 1.85.0

So I'm not able to duplicate my initial ticket anymore. It all seems to be working for me now as of v1.100.0. Would love if anyone else can confirm that...

@megapearl - to me it looks like you have three issues. 1. Duplicate Key on `UQ_newPath`(`move_history`) table 2. Failure on incomplete move 3. Missing exif info (unrelated / expected) I...

Probably a different ticket, but there probably should be a way for Immich to automatically clean up stale records in the `move_history` table (i.e. records where both the newPath and...