
Results 13 issues of evanlenz

It would lazily compile the given Carrot module(s) to XSLT and then call xdmp:xslt-invoke(). Find a way to cache the compiled XSLT so that the function doesn't have to re-compile...

Sorry if this isn't the right place to report this, but the "Type to filter TOC..." search bar on http://docs.marklogic.com is not working today. I don't know if this is...

So users can let us know if they see a problem or have a request regarding app functionality.

docs app
dmc app

So for example, if I type http://docs.marklogic.com/element-value, it would return a 404, but on that error page it would also list these search results: http://developer.marklogic.com/search?q=element-value (without changing the URL)

dmc app

I believe we are currently including unapproved comments in our indexed copies of Disqus comments.

docs app
dmc app

which is the upgraded version of Disqus. Involves flipping a switch in the Disqus admin.

The idea here is to display the javadoc results in the content pane (rather than only provide external links). The TOC pane could then list all the classes grouped by...


The mechanism is in place; it just needs some CSS and/or image tweaks. See https://github.com/marklogic/RunDMC/commit/4af434deaebe33c4c25ab418540035593ad56498#L3L26


I would love to see the CSS styles from Asciidoctor applied to the output of xslTNG. Asciidoctor's DocBook output option would facilitate a hybrid system, where everything goes through DocBook...

I am hoping to eventually get a visualization debug option working on the docca build using [xslt-visualizer](https://github.com/evanlenz/xslt-visualizer) (which itself has some pending optimizations that will affect the output, so it's...