Evan Eustace

Results 5 issues of Evan Eustace

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** We use Custom Elements (with [open mode](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ShadowRoot/mode) for shadow root) Would be nice if there was a convenience to locate...

feature request

**Stencil version:** ``` @stencil/[email protected] ``` **I'm submitting a:** [ x ] bug report **Current behavior:** The [docs](https://stenciljs.com/docs/copy-tasks) for copy tasks says: ```Each output target can have its own copy config,...

Resolution: Needs Documentation

Thanks for this - we're using it for our project. Having an issue with chromatic though, in that the stencil [app].esm.js and css files are not in `dist-storybook` Locally the...

Our schemas use `description` and `examples` to provide info about the properties. Would be great if these can be converted to comments in the structs to developers can see these...

### Description Adds a couple of optional integration tests and changes projectId to be explicitly the project id number not string key. Feel free to reject this PR - as...