Results 248 issues of evandrocoan

I am importing `minted` like this: ```latex \documentclass[english,12pt,a4paper,twoside,chapter=TITLE,section=TITLE,]{abntex2} \usepackage[newfloat,chapter,outputdir=setup/cache]{minted} \begin{document} Hi. \end{document} ``` And when running it: ``` [no file]:77: Package minted Warning: Unexpected value for option `chapter'(minted) is ignored...

class clash

When I run this, I got a bunch of set messages on the console. Can you add a verbose option for this package, allowing to disable these verbose messages? ```...


Antes dessa correção: ![image]( Depois dessa correção: ![image](

Todas as linhas dentro de um comando em latex devem terminar com um % senão latex vai ficar acumulando espaços em braco, cada vez que um linha terminar e não...

If I have some word on my buffer which start with `#` sharp, then that word will neve be showed on auto completion list. For example, if I have these...

Would be nice if this package also auto completed files on Sublime Text panels as this one: ![image]( There is also a discussion on: 1.

I set the setting "afn_use_keybinding" to true: ```javascript // If you don't like having filenames flood the default autocompletions, // you can set the plugin to only activate with a...

### IndexError in AutoFileName.sublime-package, line 171, in on_selection_modified_async ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\User\Dropbox\Applications\SoftwareVersioning\SublimeText\", line 513, in on_selection_modified_async callback.on_selection_modified_async(v) File "autofilename in D:\User\Dropbox\Applications\SoftwareVersioning\SublimeText\Data\Installed Packages\AutoFileName.sublime-package", line 171, in on_selection_modified_async...

### IndexError when pressed `alt+shift+right_mouse_click` What is this happening when I press `alt+shift+right_mouse_click`? ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\User\Dropbox\Applications\SoftwareVersioning\SublimeText\", line 421, in on_post_text_command callback.on_post_text_command(v, name, args) File "QueryCompletionListener...