Results 248 issues of evandrocoan

![image]( So this information can be show together with the others when presenting the forks data: ![image]( ``` Possible interesting forks | forks | stargazers | watchers | ahead |...


I have several forks to look for updates: 1. Can somehow I make it run from my forks, so it can find the upstream and all the other forks...


I am import this like this: ```python import os import sys current_directory = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) ) sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.join( current_directory, 'find_forks/six' ) ) sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.join( current_directory, 'find_forks/find_forks'...

I got this error: ``` >npx jest FAIL src/reviewer.test.ts (5.44s) × renders test site (23ms) ● renders test site TypeError: Cannot read property 'href' of undefined 7 | > 8...

Just a small enhancement, because when decrypting, there is no problem entering an invalid password.


My dependency got dependencies, and when reloading it, it just start reloading the packages. You can know the dependency load order by analyzing the Package Control `dependencies.json` because they should...

Searching through the repository I cannot find any mention to open source licence. By this project being on Github, I am allowed to fork it by the [Github TOS]( (Terms...

### How to reload my color scheme changes while developing it? Currently I do: ``` print( "\n" + self.view.window().active_view().settings().get("color_scheme") ) self.view.window().active_view().settings().erase("color_scheme") ``` And I get: ``` Packages/User/Color Highlighter/themes/Default Stylers.tmTheme ```...

Searching through the repository I cannot find any mention to open source licence. By this project being on Github, I am allowed to fork it by the [Github TOS]( (Terms...

The command used was `convert_to_separate_words`: ``` File: Data/Packages/CaseConversion/ 63: def to_separate_words(text, detectAcronyms, acronyms): 64: words, case, sep = case_parse.parseVariable(text, detectAcronyms, acronyms, True) 65: return ' '.join(words) ```
