Evamvid Sharma
Evamvid Sharma
This is definitely fdm-doable (I'm printing the second half bottom as we speak), but there could definitely be improvements. The biggest thing would probably be doing the legs on the...
This is a much easier print. What could be done about the top section? I printed one of yours (plus a right hand of the original), so I may end...
@fabiofalci @elquimista MPRIS2 is basically a protocol that lets media player applications be controlled over dbus. So you can do things like assigning media keys or shortcuts that can be...
@fabiofalci @elquimista maybe a better way to put is that instead of sonsify having to run its own server for interproccess communications, mpris does the same thing over dbus
I've submitted PR #27, which does the MD5 hashing. Although OAuth would probably be better, this provides at least a little more safety than the plaintext.
I've submitted PR #27, which does this.
I have the same problem on i3-gaps
You were absolutely right, my HDMI audio 'fix' was a snippet from #1021 that had been copied somewhere on stackexchange and had a typo from 192000 to 19200. Changing it...