At first I installed options 9.x on my win10 21H1 system, the software could not find all SDK profiles, then I downgraded the version to 8.10.84, 7.14.70, 6,90.138, but the...
I think my steps are wrong. When I compiled the python program on the WIN10 21H2 computer and ran it once, Options can install the profile normally again.
I tried it again, and I can also install the sdk profile of .net and python on 9.40.86 of Options. Everything is done in accordance with the instructions of the...
Repeated the execution a few times and found that it was not processed to completion, with about 20 or 30 seconds remaining.
自己按文件中的Dockerfile自建一个镜像即可。 下载 Dockerfile, , requirements.txt到 arm64设备的某个目录中,修改一下Dockerfile,去掉 && python -m pip install --upgrade pip \ 这一行。执行docker build 即可,约10分钟左右可以建成。
看了一下matrix.c的代码,DIODE_DIRECTION是需要条件编译的。pro_v1.c 只实现了DIODE_DIRECTION=COL2ROW的代码,相反方向的话,需要自已修改。
将 keymaps/default/rules.mk最后的 OPT_DEFS += -DEEPROM_SIZE=36 注释掉就可以编译通过。