Hi, would like to ask if there are any updates on this issue? geotiff file thumbnails are broken. This issue only applies to some geotiff but not all (see
Related: - #8694
@qqmyers Thanks for verifying that you were able to replicate the issue on QDR. I see, thanks for suggesting that 'vacuum' (manual/ automatic) database tuning will help resolve the issue.
@qqmyers did you observe that the download statistic on homepage did not change over a week? We observed that the homepage download stats is does not update over 6 days...
Thanks for sharing the steps. Also, I have tried `alter table guestbookresponse SET (autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.01);` on our test system. To verify: ``` select relname, reloptions from pg_class where relname...
Just putting additional information that license's "@type" should be "CreativeWork" not "Dataset", based on our Rich Results Test.