Eugene Fidelin
Eugene Fidelin
If after deleting key number is less than 20 then pagination is hidden, though it is needed to see keys on the other pages. The same goes for move action
Error should be shown in following cases: - Creating new key - Renaming existing key
Key name should be validated to contain at least one printable/visible character. Should it be trimmed as well?
- Do not change ttl when editing string key - Make use of XX option to edit key only if it exists (
Using version in API urls will help making releases that breaks backward compatibility
This is a known bug in Angular that routing breaks if URL contains encoded forward slash!topic/angular/Gna-zWBJhIE Possible workaround is to double encode key names or base64 encode them.
Predis PHP library is another way to work with Redis from PHP. Would be great to fallback to this library if PhpRedis PHP extension is not avaialble.
Use SCAN if it is available
This could be done by modifying app/SymfonyRequirements.php file.
Documentation could be automatically created using Swagger. For example NelmioApiDocBundle can be used