
Results 5 comments of etis

Maybe by mapping and identifying the WiFi networks on busses/train? Or based on Rav Kav data? Assuming Rav Kav has or can expose an API, either gain access to the...

Yes, I guess you're right and relaying on WiFi can't be accurate. Even if urban busses had WiFi and some minimum time near a network is defined to avoid pedestrians,...

@LiorGingi This raises the same issue as in basing it on WiFi networks, while driving in traffic it's likely there are a dozen or more BT devices in range from...

@sebvalmontx360 @effduca There are tons of guides for this on the web. I wrote one myself but it's not in English. You can try using it using Google Translate...

@effduca Try changing Boxee+Hacks home screen settings so it shows Netflix button instead of Movies. Go to settings > Boxee+hacks > Home Screen > Choose Friends or Movies and change...