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Empty TSDF with projective tsdf integrator
Hello, I used voxblox as a part of Glocal pipeline, on branch glocal/release. Here is my config for voxblox:
verbose: true
world_frame: "odom"
color_mode: "color"
method: "projective"
sensor_horizontal_resolution: 320
sensor_vertical_resolution: 240
sensor_vertical_field_of_view_degrees: 59.25
integrator_threads: 8
use_tf_transforms: true
use_const_weight: false
allow_clear: true
tsdf_voxel_size: 0.20
voxel_carving_enabled: true
tsdf_voxels_per_side: 16
truncation_distance: 0.80
max_weight: 1000
pointcloud_queue_size: 1
max_ray_length_m: 7.5
min_ray_length_m: 1.0
max_consecutive_ray_collisions: 1
use_const_weight: true
use_weight_dropoff: false
# publish_pointclouds_on_update: true
# slice_level: 1.0
# publish_slices: true
#update_mesh_every_n_sec: 1.0
#min_time_between_msgs_sec: 0.0
pointcloud_deintegration_queue_length: 100
publish_tsdf_map: true
publish_map_every_n_sec: 10.0
publish_map_with_trajectory: true
With this config, pose graph is being built, TSDF map is being published, but it has trajectory only, no TSDF blocks.
I suppose that this problem caused by ProjectiveTsdfIntegrator
class has no implementation of integratePointCloud
Please tell me, are there ways of building a TSDF map with projective