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Implementation of angular_rate_error in roll_pitch_yawrate_thrust_controller.cpp does not match with the paper
According to Control of complex maneuvers for a quadrotor UAV using geometric methods on SE(3), the anglular rate error should be
Eigen::Vector3d angular_rate_error = odometry_.angular_velocity - R.transpose() * R_des * angular_rate_des;
However, in line 111, the implementation is
Eigen::Vector3d angular_rate_error = odometry_.angular_velocity - R_des.transpose() * R * angular_rate_des;
. Is this a bug?
Hello, I have noticed the problem you mentioned. In addition, when calculating the expected angular acceleration in the computedesiredangularacc function, angular velocity is cross-multiplied by angular velocity, which is obviously an invalid operation. What do you think? Thank you very much!
*angular_acceleration = -1 * angle_error.cwiseProduct(normalized_attitude_gain_) - angular_rate_error.cwiseProduct(normalized_angular_rate_gain_) + odometry_.angular_velocity.cross(odometry_.angular_velocity);
This cross-multiplication is valid, but always return zero. In this paper, there is
M = −kR * eR − kΩ * eΩ + Ω × JΩ
The code you mentioned just omitted J.
I also wonder why the controller for M omits the last part(the long expression) when it is easy to implement?
Did you guys find out why did they omit the last part of the expression and why they are performing an operation that always returns zero (cross product with itself)?