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Visualize rovioli as a ros topic
Does maplab/rovioli already support outputting the rovioli feature tracking visualization image as a ros topic? If not, any suggestions on how I can add this?
Yes, these visualizations are available; unfortunately they are a bit hidden :)
You can use the following flags to enable these visualizations:
The images will then be published on a ros topic.
Also for us it is impossible to remember all these features/flags and we usually do a search over the GFlags to find them. In this case I was using:
rosrun rovioli rovioli --help | grep tracker | grep visualize
There is a section in the wiki about this.
But those are for BRISK/FREAK features used in maplab no? I'd like to see the ROVIOLI ones that are normally displayed outside of ROS.
True. There is a way in rovio to visualize the patches but I'm not too sure if this still works after wrapping ROVIO in maplab (=ROVIOLI). The setting is here:
To publish this as a ros topic just try to replace the cv::imshow calls with ros publishers, here: