Ethan M. Lee

Results 7 comments of Ethan M. Lee

@rudolfkral I have the same issue as you with bitlbee. It works for me in pidgin, however the setup doesn't use signaldctl. It seems like pidgin talks directly to signald...

@rudolfkral (null)/signald/signald.sock should be $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/signald/signald.sock if you switched to it. mine is located in /var/run/signald/signald.sock and still have the error tho.

> Do signald and bitlbee run as the same user? Does bitlbee have read access to the socket file? @hoehermann I added the bitlbee user to the signald group like...

> Is there something which could interfere with the permissions? Something like AppArmor? @hoehermann not that I am aware of. I don't use AppArmor or anything like that.

> @hoehermann What is the output of sudo lsof /var/run/signald/signald.sock? ``` $ sudo lsof /var/run/signald/signald.sock COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME java 1284 signald 52u unix 0x00000000ff2649d8...

@hoehermann Unfortunately not. i run debian and was thinking the issue could be because of the older packages it uses. Ive been meaning to spin up a fedora vm to...

@isakrubin no I didn't get a chance to get to it. I tried the weechat signald plugin as well and it appears to not be working as well. Havn't done...