Yicheng Luo

Results 39 issues of Yicheng Luo

Annotation with collections.abc.Mapping does not work with python3.8.

The gradients dq_da is currently incorrect. The gradients for each dimension from the action should be summed instead of averaged as per https://github.com/deepmind/rlax/blob/master/rlax/_src/policy_gradients_test.py#L55 For example, the D4PG agent also doesn't...

The current pinned version does not work for some of the d4rl locomotion v2 datasets due to the wrong specification in metadata types.

This makes type annotations available to users. Otherwise, all types from Acme are currently typed as Any

Hi, I have started adopting `acme.jax.experiments.make_distributed_experiment` for training distributed agents with LaunchPad. Right now, it seems that there is no way for me to configure snapshotting, which is a useful...

Hi, Cross posting a related issue here https://github.com/deepmind/reverb/issues/91 After looking at the DQN agent implementation in Acme, I am not sure if the prioritized variant matches the original PER paper....

Hi Acme developers, I would like to point out some issues with the current examples. Right now, the instructions on the README install the CPU version of JAX by default....

Hi, Thanks for the awesome library! It would be great if acme can provide nightly builds (similar to tf-nightly and tfp-nightly) which would allow the users to pin the versions...

Hi, Thanks for making this awesome library! Is it possible to specify fields in the chex.dataclass definitions to not include certain fields? This is a feature supported in flax https://flax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/flax/struct.html#dataclass...

This change is [](https://reviewable.io/reviews/tensorflow/tfjs-core/1492)