Evan Teran

Results 414 comments of Evan Teran

Fortunately, I don't plan to do any "monitoring" of the files. They will be read on load, and the in-memory representation can be updated (and saved back to the files)...

@tksoh I think that's a pretty sensible way to handle it. We can do something as subtle as just printing a warning to the console that a malformed file is...

Yup, I was also thinking that NG may need a "console" for any output that typically ends up in the terminal. Wouldn't be hard to implement at all since already...

So there are some messy bits that I'm unsure how to properly address, and they basically all revolve around users creating/editing/deleting languages via the UI. Things like, should we be...

A thought. What if in the language/macro/whatever dialogs, we also had Import/Export buttons? This would allow them to select a language, export it to a file of their choice, and...

> I think we should start working on adding the new ones that are considered famous these days. I will start the list here, please add your suggestions: Absolutely agreed.

@tksoh awesome work! This list will be very helpful in building this out. Regarding the detection of Makefiles, the reason is twofold. 1. There is no really good regex for...

right, linux's file uses a library called "libmagic", (we probably could too...), which if it does indeed identify makefiles that may mean that I overstated when I said, "There is...

Looks like ti searches for patterns using the rules found here: https://github.com/file/file/blob/master/magic/Magdir/make but I can also say, it works VERY well, but isn't perfect. It misses `Makefile.generic` and just considers...

Yea, I was originally gonna just say 4096 bytes because it's a nice even page of memory... but then I started doubting that because I started thinking "what if there's...