Evan Teran

Results 414 comments of Evan Teran

@tksoh since you originally reported this, I have an update for you. This is proving to be **hard** to get right. I can get it almost there, but it has...

@tksoh Yea, Qt creator does handle it fine. It's not a "Qt" thing though, NG renders things quite custom (as NEdit5 does). It all has to do with tracking the...

@tksoh Ah gotcha, I misunderstood what you were getting at when you mentioned Qt creator, my bad. So yea, it's definitely gonna be dependant on font sizes for sure. It...

Interesting idea. We could for sure do the very unixy thing and have something like: "if there is a languages directory, read all YAML files in it, otherwise, read the...

Yea, backward compatibility is where things get tricky. We'll have to think carefully about how it all should work.

@anjohnson @tksoh Would it make sense for it to read the `languages.yaml` file first, and then, as it is reading the languages in `languages/*.yaml`, if a language there has the...

One thought I just had, and I have very mixed feelings on... a lot of the more "advanced editors" like atom, vscode, sublime, etc... just basically punt on this problem....

There is another "backward compatible" option, and it's a weird one :-P. So basically nedit-ng is ALREADY backward compatible with classic nedit's language mode specification. It won't generate it on...

For the curious, if you look in the `$HOME/.config/nedit-ng/config.ini` you can see that I used the `nedit.XXX=*` technique to silently upgrade basically every multiline field to its own YAML file.

> Oh, and what order will you be reading the files in? That matters because the same language could appear in more than one file... A typical UNIX convention is...