Ellen TA Dobson

Results 6 issues of Ellen TA Dobson

you think you could add some info in your Ops tutorial scripts regarding which image to open for which tutorial ?? (example : Ops_Threshold_IJ1... make sure to comment in that...

* [x] merge Colocalize command for global methods * [x] finish SACA code (see below comment) * [x] wrap SACA code in Ops * [x] add SACA Op to Colocalize...

Currently coming across major issues with [MTKT Op](https://github.com/imagej/imagej-ops/blob/master/src/main/java/net/imagej/ops/coloc/maxTKendallTau/MTKT.java). It's incredibly slow, but also - and more importantly - results are not aligned with original [RKColocal package](http://www.columbia.edu/~my2550/rkcolocal-Introduction.html).

Copy ops are currently homogenous. Would be nice to have a copy from II to RAI.

Consider scraping Masks concept from Plugin code and rely solely on ImgLib2 native support for RandomAccessibleIntervals. Source images can come in 'masked' or not... just lean on ImgLib2.
