Results 24 issues of Anton Semenov

Add hotkey `⌥⌘↑ (Alt+Meta+Up)` to toggle source and target languages from the input field `question-input`.

Allow to define a hook in initializer, which invokes the controller class. This useful when we need to set some custom callbacks. Usage exaple (adding basic auth): ``` ruby #...

This PR changes preview type to kUITypeHTML and adds keys to user defaults: fontFamily, fontSize, lineHeight. It solves issue #31 Configuration examples: ```sh $ defaults write com.whomwah.quicklookstephen fontFamily "InputMono-Regular" $...

Hello! The beta is awesome, thank you for the work! I'd like to suggest a small handy feature to reduce user's mouse clicking actions: If we will type a comment...

Added a checkbox in the files preference pane which enables showing the favorites chooser at startup and re-activation with no open documents. This option is mutually exclusive with «Create one...

`RuleInterpreter` takes string representations of rules, predicates or operations and parses them back to AST, which can be compiled to a rule object. So, it makes an ability to store...

Allow to specify custom storage for enum class via: - `` method inside enum classes: ``` ruby class Sex < ActiveEnum::Base = :i18n end ``` - `:storage` option for...

The method converts an associative array to a Proc which calls chain of methods on a given object. I use it mostly with enums in irb and specs as a...

Just a tiny PR, which adds support of signal sequences for the `term_signal` option. For example, if we follow [the sidekiq's guideline]( and want to send TSTP + TERM signal,...

# Description This PR adds the `--mask-directive` option similar to `--hide-tag` but for directives. The following example will mask `@!parse` directive with `YARD::Tags::NilDirective` class to suppress any callbacks: ``` yardoc...