
Results 492 comments of est31

> Consider that you can already match against irrefutable pattern in let, and this is essentially just an extension to let in practice. Originally I tried to extend the `let`...

Good point, it's only a warning. Should I change the text of the reference to extend it to all patterns?

@infinity0 you can use rcgen in the meantime. It makes generation of self signed certificates really easy. The simplest form just takes in a list of domain names, but you...

There is a partial Rust implementation of it here: []( Currently MPL licensed.

I don't really care which layer it is implemented in as long as it is configurable. Also, even if webpki implemented it, rustls will probably need to pass CRLite archives...

@FauxFaux did you have time to do such a review? I'd love to be able to use a good fast Rust based implementation of argon2.

This crate could also give inspiration: It allows specifying literals as well as code for the default value.

There is now a PR open: #1490

Two points: * How should relative paths be handled? relative to the pwd of the rustc process? or how `include_string!`, which is relative to the file the `.rs` is contained...