
Results 492 comments of est31

I've uploaded the Webextension version to AMO: Please try it out and report any feedback here or in issues on my repo.

> right now the extension is pretty incompatible with Chrome. Supporting Chrome is no goal for me. One browser with a bunch of versions is enough testing work, and I'm...

@Rob--W I've checked out your add on. The UI looks much closer to the original, quite impressive! Some nits: * Clicking the text doesnt change the text box change, while...

Another thing I observed after trying out @Rob--W 's extension is that when I restart firefox, the windows are now much smaller, having the same size as the dialog window.

The 2.0 version of the extension using @Rob--W 's code has been uploaded to AMO! Firefox 57 can come :).

@E3V3A I'm waiting right now with publishing a web extension rewrite until Firefox 56 gets released so that I can build on the most mature API available at the moment....

@Mathnerd314 it seems that add on only works with a subset of the enforced downloads out there, it seems to not work when the mime type is set to octet-stream...

I see you have an fdroid branch already. I've tried to build with it and found these issues: - fabric is still referenced in app/build.gradle - it still uses crashlytics...

@BenoitDuffez force pushing is technically possible, but not really good because it means all older commits are lost. Maybe if you do a merge from the other branch each time?...

Wasn't there a problem that it possibly makes your library fail to build on crater?