Sascha Kiefer

Results 43 comments of Sascha Kiefer

Having the same issue. Thought the problem is that the flags are located in `images` folder and not in `img`, but changing it, does not help

Changing it to `"./images/flags/ad.svg"` (replacing all `/img` to `./images/`) helps a little bit, but that it complains about `'./images/flags/es-ct.svg'` which indeed does not exist.

Hi, is there a way to implement it? I think it's a realistic problem. think about: high availability application that cannot be started during operation hours; now the log disk...

@escamoteur > Also one thought wouldn't it make more sense to express nested resources as Maps so that you > can dynamically switch between them instead of long names? how...

Had it on my todo list; I will check it on the weekend.