Tim Sarbin
Tim Sarbin
We need to come up with a networking protocol diagram that describes the entire workflow of network communications. This needs to be done via the 'dot' notation using graphviz.
After changing out the map engine, we had to comment out the debug info for mouse over. We need to re-introduce that feature in a way that makes sense.
Create a map generation system that can be used both to create the regions for the map renderer, as well as the minimap.
Currently NPCs are handled on the map engine directly. This needs to be moved to the new networking infrastructure so that they sync up for all players on the game.
Currently we have panic littered through the code. We really need to instead switch to an error game screen that shows the error in addition to logging it out to...
There are currently 3 coordinates systems: - World (floating point value where 1 = a whole tile) - Tile (the tile location, which is 5x5 subtile) - SubTile (the subtile...
If you keep leaving and starting a game, memory usage keeps climbing. I've attached a heap dump after a few restarts. [heap.pdf](https://github.com/OpenDiablo2/OpenDiablo2/files/4831905/heap.pdf)
There are some maps that either render incorrectly, or straight up crash when loaded. You can test all map tiles using the map engine test from the main menu. There...
If you create a UI element underneath the mouse, the element never gets the mouse over event. When an element gets created, there should be something that checks the mouse...