Ethan Spoelstra

Results 59 comments of Ethan Spoelstra

Does the `str.format` style of using `'{named}{fields}'.format(named=one,fields=many)` work instead of the `%` formatting?

@ssonumerate This fails due to the way that the assertion for number of times called is built into the stub function. You need to set up the stub with data...

Did you create the carl script in a folder that is present in the PATH variable? Some distributions include the current directory (.) in the PATH, that has become less...

I'll have to look at how nvm4w is determining the OS bitness, but if it was looking at the CPU capabilities I would definitely expect to see this more on...

Leaving myself this note to check in the Chocolatey package I'm updating to add an option to create User only for the NVM_\* variables and update the USER's path as...

See also this comparison shot of the mic board of the mini on top of the regular Google Home.

There are some tools like Fusion 360 that support taking photos and generating a 3D model from the photos, perhaps someone can do this for the Mini and share the...

I think providing an API similar to how the Vault CLI works would probably be the most useful for people. Perhaps following how the Requests library provides responses as an...

I'm actually here because I'm having a similar issue with the only difference being my `secret_id` is already unwrapped due to a slightly different use case. Currently as our operations...

I may have gotten slightly farther by putting `token=''` into the initial constructor, now I'm fighting the AppRole policies which may not have gotten created properly. I'll see if I...