Enrico Spinielli

Results 25 issues of Enrico Spinielli

Given I have seen issues with requests for "fancy" map projections, why not proposing the fanciest? [Myriahedral map projections](https://www.win.tue.nl/~vanwijk/myriahedral/) by Prof. [Jarke van Wijk](https://www.win.tue.nl/~vanwijk/) ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/891692/16610827/1b19ae0c-435e-11e6-8855-cc8b4928f129.png)

![Screen Shot 2021-01-28 at 14 34 16](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/891692/106145541-f8501d80-6175-11eb-95be-747547631c0e.png)

It looks like `git2r` is not handling PROXY configuration as from `libgit2` API: (at least) two examples are described in #269 as symptoms of this deficiency. For example `git_remote_fetch` calls...

# Introduction `traffic` already provides aircraft information via either Junzi's or OpenSky's aircraft database. I find myself needing to filter out helicopters or non land planes: given that the aircraft...


I am eager to try out what described in the [blog post about 0.8.0 version](https://rud.is/b/2019/01/09/on-the-road-to-0-8-0-some-additional-new-features-coming-in-the-sergeant-package/), but after having installed as instructed ```r devtools::install_git("https://git.sr.ht/~hrbrmstr/sergeant", ref="0.8.0") ``` and then running the code...


When I try one of the simple vegalite examples like: ```r from_spec('{ "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v2.json", "description": "A simple bar chart with embedded data.", "data": { "values": [ {"a": "A","b": 28}, {"a":...

Great book(down), I am learning (stats) and meta-learning (from your Rmd/bookdown/LaTeX): Thanks. A few points about Bibliography/References: 1. From the comments in the `ims-style.tex` file it looks like you would...


It could be useful to consider usage of [R package `countrycode`](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/countrycode/index.html) for the implementation of "Potential additional data"/"dataframe with ISO3 and country synonyms"

In order to make `dggridR` even more easily accessible it could be interesting to develop its own website using `pkgdown`. (It could be automatically built and served on GitHub pages...

You could be interested to support ICAO-style coordinates format: see my implementation at https://trrrj.ansperformance.eu/reference/parse_lat_icao.html Feel free to [ab|mis]use 😉 docs/code. HTH.