Matthias Lutter
Matthias Lutter
What about Malbolge Unshackled? In contrast to Malbolge, it has no memory limit. I guess there is no ubuntu package, but a small interpreter in Haskell (public domain). It may...
Ok, no problem. Hopefully, Malbolge Unshackled will be added to ubuntu in the future. Hisashi Iizawa's method is applicable. I have written a few programs in Malbolge Unshackled using his...
> > bagbak could suspend the main thread of the app during dumping, but I'm not sure if this is possible with frida. > > Implemented here: > Oh,...
> For aggressive jailbreak detection like this, I'm planning to migrate to `mremap_encrypted` approach by [FlexDecrypt]( which doesn't need to run the app at all. I didn't know flexdecrypt. Thank...
Thank you for your quick response. Unfortunately, I cannot share the IPA file since it's an internal build that was provided by a customer to me exclusively for testing. However,...
especially multiplayer code is extremely messy also check that all memory is freed correctly
I wasn't able to figure out how the music is stored in that file. For me it was the fastest solution to write an (incomplete) 8086 emulator. Have you figured...
I'm not actively developing this software packet any longer. Thus I won't change the implementation of ADLIB.DAT parsing. Nonetheless, I think your method is neater. Thank you for sharing this...
Oh, I remember: your Lemmings Music Player enabled me to parse ADLIB.DAT at all.
When in game: Show minimap. Maybe show active skill.