Eric Schultz
Eric Schultz
publish new version pretty please?
This shouldn't be an issue with 6.4.0 since we're properly encoding values written to XML with: `htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8')` and then decoding values from XML with: `strval(html_entity_decode($string, ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8'))` no...
Using macOS Monterey? please try this release:
Sadly @galen passed away on 12/1/2013 due to non-hodgkins lymphoma. 😢
@RezzZ and @patrickrbecker I have V1.7 ready to test:
@gfjardim Sure, we'll consider adding SweetAlert2 in unRAID 6.4. With some crafty swal1-to-swal2 adaption code behind the scenes it may be possible to translate (convert options, switch callback to Promises,...