Esben Sparre Andreasen
Esben Sparre Andreasen
If you modify the codeql search path appropriately, you can use your own extractor in the action. We do not document how though. (See
> I know this can be seen as a controversial addition I would like rein this in as much as possible. Perhaps some of our [unpromoted route handlers]( can inspire...
Taking one step back: I think it is preferable to avoid having queries that surface our misparses to end-users. Suggestions: - wait with merging the Ruby/Java versions of the query,...
We would love to have benchmark entries for your CVEs (this is highly related to #67, #68, by the way), and your example looks reasonably close to being useful (see...
> The data is indeed coming from the Android Security Bulletins. Oh wow, and you have the commit information for most/all of them? Do you have a ballpark estimate of...
> I see your point here. Another option would be to have a fast/complete set of CVEs for quick experiments where all information is present while a bigger dataset with...
> Actually, I started to a small PoC for it but they are some repositories missing in the mirror. Any chance you may know who is in charge of this...
> How do we pinpoint a specific line of code which should be flagged by a static analysis tool for this CVE ? Oh, this is a problem. I thought...
I like the suggestion. This would make it much easier to get started. --- Here are my thoughts on the design (I am not pointing my finger at anyone specific...
I have some additional thoughts on this: - I think `install` is better than `auto-install` naming wise - I would prefer to support arbitrary installers (still implemented as JavaScript) -...