Eric Stout

Results 7 issues of Eric Stout

Similar to issue #42 - but this is because the classes are created before the `@for` loop of the block grids, therefor the overrides do not get applied. These need...


Column documentation has some info from Extras that is duplicated. This info should be in one place and in depth - such as column centering, etc)


For a few projects it was needed to prefix ginger to not conflict with existing class names in a project. Temporarily there is a simple repo created with a snapshot...

help wanted

scss mixin options would be great for those who want to have more semantic HTML.


Look into the possibility of adding ginger to or similar services.


Would be nice to have column ordering to easily swap column orders. With breakpoint support as well (small, medium, standard) ```scss // Sample of how it could work .col-order-first{ order:...


Looks like access to the API has been re-opened and requests are working. Would be nice to get back to this for the post season.
