Eli Roberson
Eli Roberson
The v2.0.3 version of AbySS failing due to a "deleted function". GCC Suite: 7.2.0 Boost: 1.66.0 OpenMPI: 3.0.0 Sparsehash: 2.0.3 ## Configure command: `./configure --prefix=/home/eli --with-boost=/home/eli/src/boost_1_66_0/stage/lib FC=/usr/local/bin/gfortran CFLAGS="-m64 -O3 -mtune=core2"...
Have the current version of cufflinks from git. No tags, so I'm using master (last commit 815e4350652cf23b817a29e989b261604532781c from Jan 10). Attempting to build on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS, Boost v1.49.0. Eigen...
readr currently supports gz, bz2, xz, and zip. The ZSTD compression format has potentially better compression and streaming decompression performance **overall** than these other formats. Given the ever increasing size...