
Results 5 comments of Erkan

Hello all, I have managed to have a complete installation: ======= prepare environment ======== ``` mkdir ccd && cd ccd # create a directory and go to directory virutalenv -p...

Hello, I am not the maintainer of this repo, but I have installed and using the tools. Can you be more specific about your problem?

Update, see the link for full installation:

Hello @dhaneshgosai , It seems configureCaptureDevices() can not find the camera type that you are looking for. You can double check the device type that is passed to AVCaptureDevice.DiscoverySession( ...)...

@sri1sri generic instance method compactMap seems to be supported from iOS 7.0+ and compatible with Xcode 9.3+ . What is the SDK version you are targeting and Xcode version you...