Arvand Rasouly
Arvand Rasouly
I'm using **adonis.js/lucid ^6.1.3** with **lucid-mongo ^3.1.5** library to manage ### mongodb database. I need to build a query and filter a hasMany relationship but it throws an exception **Cannot...
Hi. I think it is necessary to override the query builder `ids` method in `BelongsToMany` relation class. You have already implemented this in `delete` method of this class. Currently when...
Im not very expert in mongodb but I would like to know how this line applies a whereNotEqual on query. Because I think it means where the ignoreKey has a...
Hey, Good job guys. To update a pivot table on BelongsToMany relation I tried this: ```js // the variable chat is an instance of a model called Chat await chat.users().pivotQuery()...