Torbjörn Andersson
Torbjörn Andersson
When you put objects into the sculpture, ```SCULPTURE-F``` moves them to ```ARBOR-TOP```: ```zil EMPTY POCKET INTO SCULPTURE The credit card: Done. >FIND CREDIT CARD It's in the sparkling sculpture. ```...
You can move the slider on the walkie-talkie left or right. When the walkie-talkie is normal, left means down five notches and right means up five notches. But when the...
``` >THROW BIRDCAGE AT LAMP The lantern snaps with a loud crack. The birdcagelands at your feet. ``` This is handled by ```LAMP-F```: ```zil
``` >THROW AXE AT SKINK The skink scampers out of the way. The axelands at your feet. The skink blinks its eyes helplessly. ``` There should be a space between...
There's a special case for "TURN RING TO SHADOW" in ```RING-F```: ```zil ( ) ``` But it doesn't work: ``` >TURN RING TO SHADOW How do you intend to do...
``` >LOOK South of Reservoir You're near the south side of a big cement reservoir. Dusty paths lead west and northwest around a ranch house. Another curves northeast, to the...
```zil ( ) ``` ```PRSO``` is the pram, which doesn't have a ```SIZE``` property, and the default value is 0. Before changing this to ```PRSI```: ``` >JIGGLE PRAM WITH COIN...
The game checks a number of things to make sure you can't do anything between noticing the ruby and the roadrunner taking it. You can't walk out of the room,...
I might not have reported this if it wasn't that the game _tries_ to handle it: ``` >EXAMINE UMBRELLA The closed umbrella dangles in the tree overhead, high out of...
``` >LOOK Shelter You wouldn't want to spend much time in this wretched hole. The bare floor is damp and filthy, and the corners reek of urine. Luckily, there's an...