Erik Telepovský

Results 63 comments of Erik Telepovský

Please include .mo files in the repository or add compile script into It would be really useful.

There is a pull request #20 already for this.

Hi guys. Have anybody any progress of this? Thx

Hello. I have 2 possible solutions for this feature: 1. Django ModelAdmin comes with one handy feature: [autocomplete_fields]( It can be used for M2M relations. It is of course limited...

Why did you delete the content of readme file?

Something like this: ``` /** Execute commands within a single exclusive transaction ... :returns: - Bool with true, if transaction was commited, false otherwise - An Int with the error...

Hi, thank you for your answer, but I think we misunderstand each other. Your `SD.transaction` function returns an Int with the error code, or nil if there was no error...

Hi, I have fixed it in my fork:

Let's say I have a model ``old_app.ModelA``. Its primary key ``id`` points to sequence ``old_app_modela_id_seq``. ``` localhost=# \d old_app_modela; Table "public.old_app_modela" Column | Type | Modifiers -----------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------- id | integer...

I think yes, it is convenient and more human readable. Check this out, it may help you: