Erik Rose

Results 45 issues of Erik Rose

# REDIRECT, and all that

This might be the same as #52. Rob Hudson ran across an encode error: ``` ERROR: vim +133 /Users/rob/.virtualenvs/zamboni/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nose/ # run self.runTest(result) vim +151 /Users/rob/.virtualenvs/zamboni/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nose/ # runTest test(result) vim...

Let's get rid of the commas in things like `noseprogressive.tests.test_integration:test_slowly(1,)` and perhaps make the exception trapping tighter as well.


If you control-C a test run in the middle, a traceback prints. However, stdout is still wrapped in the bar-dodging, so you get a new progress bar after ever line...

Aside from having an option to set the progress bar as wide as you want, the bar should take up all the empty width that exists when the longest of...


ipdb must bring its own cmdloop or something, because the progress bar prints over the prompt. (If you're using ipdb, I humbly recommend pdbpp, which has a superset of its...


I hate code generation. It makes it difficult for callers to extend the grammar at runtime, as it require a build phase and write access to the disk. There's no...

If not full PEP 8, let's at least kill the `'''` quotes and the tab indentation.

Let's get some test coverage, because I want to refactor like mad.