Erik Rasmussen

Results 12 issues of Erik Rasmussen

[Howler]( looks pretty badass. Abstracts away a lot of the cumbersome `` crap.


Chrome 92.0.4515.107 (Official Build) beta (x86_64) is saying: > A page or script is accessing at least one of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform. In a future version of Chrome, the...

### Description I honestly don't know if this belongs here or in some other repo for the visualizer/editor, but here we go. Whenever I put a `meta` value on a...


As a seasoned veteran user of XState, I have a history of gunshot wounds to the foot. By far the biggest one is: ## Executed Actions Any time `assign()` or...

Sometimes I do: ```ts send('EVENT', { to: 'myService' }) ``` and I've invoked `myService` without an `id`. ```ts invoke: { src: 'myService' } ``` Then it takes me a few...

Does anyone have experience in writing tests with hooks? There should be no need to test the part that Final Form does (e.g. does a field become dirty when the...

help wanted

This library was conceived before the TS and Flow teams had formalized how to type hooks. I still have not looked into it, but if someone knows how, it would...

help wanted

Steps to recreate: 1. Field level async validation rule with long execution time 1. Click submit _while the async field validation is running_ 1. `validating` becomes true, but is never...


# Bug report ``` [GET] /api/leaderboard-image?isoDateTimeString=2022-12-07T00%3A10%3A01.000-08%3A00& Function Status: N/A Edge Status: N/A Duration: N/A Init Duration: N/A Memory Used: N/A ID: vwmbk-1670410642529-a321a45ef015 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X...

The javascript coloring is being thrown off by an escaped `/` at the end of a regular expression. ```js const addProtocol = (url: string): string => (!url || /^https?:\/\//.test(url) ?...