Erik Martino

Results 5 issues of Erik Martino

I couldn't wrap my head around who actually calls `make version-set`, I think you should describe the release process in the readme. It is used as an example in flux...

I would much prefer the version. So you can easily use an external registry. ```$ export registry="$(kubectl get svc/registry -ojsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'):5000"$ export registry=$(kubectl get svc/registry -ojsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}") ```

If you have a chartmuseum repo with a self-signed certificate, you can add it using ``` helm repo add --insecure-skip-tls-verify example ``` Expected behaviour: You can do a ```...

## What happened? The says to look in the E2E test for a full example. If I do that and create a gradle project with the configuration ``` ......

### What would you like to be added? The current implementation halts with an error if the file names contains a colon. I suggest to introduce a parameter to allow...
