Peripheral devices names (AD identifier 0x09 Complete Local Name or 0x08 Shortened Local Name) come either in the regular advertisment packet or in the scan response packet. Due to issue...
MTU size of 23 is the size any BLE device compliant with BT 4.x upward must support, hence it's the default (or rather min) being used upon engaging a connection....
Is this issue still pending? What are the "newer functions" missing in the Python version?
Hello @PetBom, thanks for looking into this - always happy for feedback and how InsideBlue works on different PCs than mine. ;o) The screenshot shows the main scanning window with...
Correct, 1818 is Cycling Power and 1826 is Fitness Machine, which has service data 010020. Third and fourth are proprietary services but the third one is missing in the list....
@LoBoLd I do not have any updates unfortunately. I tried rebuilding with latest version of SimpleBLE as well as Lazarus/Freepascal but still not able to connect to any device with...
The hex numbers in your screenshot are non-printable characters and hence get displayed as square blocks (placeholder) when switched to ASCII. Only printable characters like letters, numbers, some special symbols...
The ASCII checkbox is just about switching from raw hex numbers to (printable) ascii characters but will not take any specific encoding for service/characteristic assigned numbers into account. There exist...
We keep this open since not yet implemented.
Since both Lazarus/FreePascal and SimpleBLE are cross-platform, yes, it should work on Windows, Linux and MAC OS. I will look into this soon and try to provide pre-compiled binaries.