Erik Verbruggen
Erik Verbruggen
macOS actually sends an expose event, not a quit/close event. With Qt 6.4, the window gets raised, but not over the active application (unless it's the Finder). I'm not sure...
Apparently the client detected a local deletion and propagated that to the server. Are there previous mentions of that deleted file in the log?
Maybe enable the code in line ? But I guess we have to do more status updates from the plug-in...
For the record: the sync state for the folder containing the space is set to in-sync.
I asked a question on the msdn forums:
It's an issue in Windows, see the 4th comment on the link above. It's been "escalated" internally in MS, so we'll have to wait for a response.
Issue on the github project:
> could be related: CfUpdateSyncProviderStatus I tried that, including first resetting it with `CF_PROVIDER_STATUS_CLEAR_FLAGS`, but that didn't help. Maybe you can give it a try in case I did...
We also have to add the app group to the bundle on apple's side, so that the signing matches the entitlement.
Where should we do this exactly? In the account state? Or when the SSL cert. checks fail? Also, should we listen for this and somehow show a notification on the...