Erik Bos

Results 7 issues of Erik Bos

### What version of Cassandra are you using? Azure CosmosDB using Cassandra API ### What version of Gocql are you using? v0.0.0-20200615160627-420e3b873d91 ### What did you do? Go app runs...


Hi, nice work. It would be great if it would be able to read and write avro format as well.

feature request

For Gin generated code, when supplying middleware: ``` RegisterHandlersWithOptions(router, handler, GinServerOptions{ Middlewares: []MiddlewareFunc{ auth.AuthenticateAndAuthorize, }, }) ``` A request cannot be abort by middleware, the request is fully being handled.....

While using `ResponseValidator.validate` I noticed validation is sensitive to the content-type header including character encoding details. In case an HTTP response includes `content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8` validation fails: `MediaTypeNotFound(mimetype='application/json; charset=utf-8', availableMimetypes=['application/json'])`...

It would be nice to have AVRO support in Kafka sink so data read as JSON gets output'ed as AVRO. Advantages would be input/output validation against schema and less overhead...

sink: kafka
type: enhancement
meta: good first issue
needs: approval
needs: requirements
domain: codecs

Draft PR as fix for *Untested*

We're using the geoip2 module to do ip lookups from a Maxmind's database and insert this in requests going upstream. Maxmind recently started introducing more non-ASCII contents in their dataset....