Eric Traut

Results 355 comments of Eric Traut

I'm not able to repro a crash with the latest version of mypy (1.5). I suspect it was fixed somewhere along the way.

@randolf-scholz, you have defined a generic type alias that has a single type parameter (`P`), but when you use the type alias in the last line, you're not specifying a...

Mypy is working correctly here. This isn't a bug. I recommend closing.

Yes, this is intended. `TypeAlias` is a special form that needs to be understood by early stages of the static analyzer as a precursor for type evaluation. Therefore, you cannot...

It won't work to simply recognize it by name because a name alone is not sufficient to know the type of a symbol. If you want psycopg to work with...

This is addressed in pyright 1.1.297, which I just published. It will also be included in a future release of pylance.

Thanks for the bug report. This will be addressed in the next release.

This is addressed in pyright 1.1.288, which I just published. It will also be included in a future release of pylance.

Moving to pyright, since this is a core type checking issue.